Buying Clothing and Accessories
- Ladie's emporium
- Gentleman's emporium
Everything from top hats to trousers - Recollections
Great made to order outfits and pieces for Ladies and Girls - Sacremento Dry Goods
- Etsy! Find vintage or custom products of all kinds
- BootBarn - wonderful source for women's shoes and also the best prices! I got my Veil boots here!
Make Your Own Outfit
This is where I bought most of my patterns (1880s style) - Past Patterns
- Pattern reveiws for various brands
A great site to find out pattern difficulty and find photos examples
Costume Rental
Renting can be a great affordable way to attain a high quality look. Most rentals are under a $100 and include fittings. I suggest seeking out theater and opera companies in your area.
You don't have to wear a bustles and corset to get a Victorian look.Here are some basic suggestions.
- high buttoned blouses - consider silk, cotton, ruffles, and lace
- You may wish to add a fitted vest or cincher belt
- A long skirt- ruffles or lace trim- solid color or calico.
- Jewlery- Cameos and lockets. Chandelier earrings
- Fans and parasols
- Hats- there are a huge variety of styles
- lace or kid gloves
- shawl, collar, jabot

- Your basics are Vest, Coat, and Hat! Match these with a basic trouser and your good to go.
- Accessorize with Cravat, gloves, and pocket watch
- You don't have to be overly formal - think picnic/park strolling